Síntesis. Revista de Filosofía (ex Intus Legere Filosofía) is an open-access international academic peer-reviewed publication, edited by the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Liberal Arts of Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. The journal publishes original research across all areas of philosophy and history of philosophy. It is committed to creating a space for all philosophical traditions, and it aims to general as well as specialized public. Our fundamental editorial criteria are, therefore, academic rigour, conceptual clarity, and the research’s genuine contribution to knowledge and quality philosophical discussion, as stated in Focus and Scope

The journal publishes two issues a year solely on a digital basis since 2018. One of these issues is miscellaneous in nature, whilst the other consists of a special issue surrounding a specific theme.

Articles can be sent at any time of the year. 

This publication is indexed in Erih Plus, Dialnet, Latindex Catálogo, DOAJ, The Philosopher's Index, The International Philosophical Bibliography, and REDIB.

Contact: revistasintesis@uai.cl

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Current Issue

Vol 6, No 2 (2023)

Operative Materialities in Phenomenology

Table of Contents


Is There a Phenomenological Concept of Matter?
István Fazakas

Research Articles

The Lived Body is not One's Own Body: Beauvoir or the Appearance of the Body in "The Second Sex"
Paula Lorelle
The Excess of Joy. An Antinomic Reinterpretation of Michel Herny's Material Phenomenology
Ángel Alvarado Cabellos
The Materiality of Experience. Phenomenology between Phainology and Phenomenism
Delia Popa
The Real as Matter in the early Teaching of Jacques Lacan
Pietro Braga
Richir, Tarkovsky and the Zone of Affectivity
Philip Flock
Scheler Reading Weber's "Protestant Ethic": Phenomenological Psychology and History
Paul Slama

Book Reviews

Andrea Soto Calderón. "Imágenes que resisten. La genealogía como método crítico". La virreina centre de la imatge: Barcelona, 2023, 128p.
Luis Felipe Oyarzún Montes