Faith without Applause. Navigating the Praiseworthiness Puzzle

Nicholas S. Noyola

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This paper addresses the praiseworthiness dilemma posed by Taylor Cyr and Matthew Flummer, which questions whether faith, as a fulfillment of moral obligation, warrants moral praise. By examining two theological concerns—Semi-Pelagianism and the Praiseworthiness Worry—the paper explores the tension between human faith and divine grace. After analyzing three strategies proposed by Cyr and Flummer, I argue that while fulfilling obligations may demonstrate praiseworthy traits, it does not inherently render individuals praiseworthy. The proposed framework reconciles faith as moral duty with God's praiseworthiness, alleviating the issue of moral praise.

Noyola N. Faith without Applause. Navigating the Praiseworthiness Puzzle. Síntesis, Rev filos.. 2024;7(2): 84-96. Disponible en: doi:10.15691/0718-5448Vol7Iss2a457 [Accessed 13 Mar. 2025].
Noyola, N. (2024). Faith without Applause. Navigating the Praiseworthiness Puzzle. Síntesis. Revista de Filosofía, 7(2), 84-96. doi:


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