Síntesis. Revista de Filosofía

Síntesis. Revista de Filosofía (ex Intus Legere Filosofía) is an open-access international academic peer-reviewed publication, edited by the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Liberal Arts of Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. The journal publishes original research across all areas of philosophy and history of philosophy. It is committed to creating a space for all philosophical traditions, and it aims to general as well as specialized public. Our fundamental editorial criteria are, therefore, academic rigour, conceptual clarity, and the research’s genuine contribution to knowledge and quality philosophical discussion, as stated in Focus and Scope

The journal publishes two issues a year solely on a digital basis since 2018. One of these issues is miscellaneous in nature, whilst the other consists of a special issue surrounding a specific theme.

Articles can be sent at any time of the year. 

This publication is indexed in Erih Plus, Dialnet, Latindex Catálogo, DOAJ, The Philosopher's Index, The International Philosophical Bibliography, and REDIB.

Contact: revistasintesis@uai.cl

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Current Issue

Vol 7, No 2 (2024)

Table of Contents


God, Reason, and Human Agency. Introduction to the Tematic Dossier on Contemporary Issues in Analytical Philosophy of Religion
Carlo Rossi


Cosmological Argument, Principle of Sufficient Reason and Radical Monism
Sebastián Briceño
'God' as a Theoretical Term
Clemente Huneeus Alliende
Some Ruminations on Perfect Being Theism
Jashiel Resto Quiñones
Faith without Applause. Navigating the Praiseworthiness Puzzle
Nicholas S. Noyola
The Rationalization of Suffering: An Epistemic Approach to the Evidential Problem of Evil in the World
Rafael Miranda Rojas

Research Articles

Teaching and its Purpose according to Thomas Aquinas: An Analysis Based on the Example of Christ's Pedagogy and on his Own Experience as a Teacher
Carmela Ibáñez Davanzo

Book Reviews

Javier Fernández Sebastián. Key Metaphors for History. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2024, 338p. IBSN 9781138354463.
Rodrigo Escribano Roca
Dante Aliguieri. Oeuvres complètes, Tome I: Le Banquet. Traduction et édition critique par Bruno Pinchard. Établissement du texte italien par Franca Brambilla Ageno. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2023, 818p. IBSN 9782406142034.
Carmen Luz Olmos de Aguilera
Aleksandra Horowska (ed.). The Labyrinths of Leibniz's Philosophy. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2022, 253p. IBSN 978631814727.
Camilo Silva