The Materiality of Experience. Phenomenology between Phainology and Phenomenism

Delia Popa

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In this paper, I consider the materiality of experience as stemming from a temporal process of sense-formation (Sinnbildung), whose essence is not just formally configured, but also materially organized. In order to understand this process of sense-formation, I first examine the materiality that is intrinsic to the intentional sense and its relationship with the sensible materiality of experience brought forth by the project of hyletic phenomenology. In the second part of the paper, I propose to overcome the tension between a materiality of sense and a materiality of sensibility by reflecting on the specific materiality that is created in our experience through the dynamism of imaginative modifications. Allowing us to switch between different temporal and spatial horizons, imaginative projections and reveries reveal a hidden “reverse” side of our perceptive field, that we access only when we let go of objectifying acts and established significance. In the last part of the paper, I turn toward bodily gestures, in which I see an expression of experience that resists objectification and straightforward symbolization, attesting for the complex social inscription of our bodily existence. I end the paper with an inquiry into the specific materiality of gestures, understanding them as vanishing archives offered to the future.

Popa D. The Materiality of Experience. Phenomenology between Phainology and Phenomenism. Síntesis, Rev filos.. 2024;6(2): 47-65. Disponible en: doi:10.15691/0718-5448Vol6Iss2a427 [Accessed 23 Oct. 2024].
Popa, D. (2024). The Materiality of Experience. Phenomenology between Phainology and Phenomenism. Síntesis. Revista de Filosofía, 6(2), 47-65. doi:


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