Terra Incognita. Critical Notes on the Anthropocene

Dariush Doust

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15691/0718-5448Vol6Iss1a415
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The concept of the Anthropocene, originally proposed by Paul Crutzen and Eugene Stoermer in 2000, denotes the human-dominated geological epoch that follows the earlier Holocene. This article critically investigates productive potentials, ambiguities, and implications of this concept. It starts with the recent past postmodernist notions as a contrasting background and relates the idea of a pending disaster to the scalar differences between earth systems and human literary and artistic practices. Poiesis is the key concept discussed and explained throughout the article. This proposed concept is based on Marx’s idea of the deployment of productive powers (natural or human) as an end in itself. The discussions encompass arts and literature as well as ontological and ethical issues. The main conclusion, presented in the last section, connects the critique of the concept of Anthropocene to the urgency of a collective project based on what I call the principle of sharing.

Doust D. Terra Incognita. Critical Notes on the Anthropocene. Síntesis, Rev filos.. 2023;6(1): 48-69. Disponible en: doi:10.15691/0718-5448Vol6Iss1a415 [Accessed 23 Oct. 2024].
Doust, D. (2023). Terra Incognita. Critical Notes on the Anthropocene. Síntesis. Revista de Filosofía, 6(1), 48-69. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.15691/0718-5448Vol6Iss1a415


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